International Day of ForestsWe celebrated International Day of Forests by learning about how forests are important for people, animals and the environment... Playing...
A Fantasy ForestToday we explored a fantasy forest to activate the students knowledge of forest habitats and encourage motivation for the project. By...
It's Theatre Time!After watching the film, the students started preparing their end of project theatre performance based on 'The Gruffalo' by Julia...
We support the Global Goals!This project is linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By learning about the forest and raising other people´s...
The Fantastic Forest Explorers have joined Team Jane!We, 'the Fantastic Forest Explorers!' have joined Team Jane to help make our planet a better place for people, animals and the...
We understand, we care, we will help!By the end of this project, the students will be able to demonstrate that the forest is important for people, animals and the environment...