Que diuen els profesors CLIL I EFL sobre els tallers de desenvolupament professional del Global Citizens English Project?
"This is so great! Thank you so much for sharing! I had a great time during yesterday's session, It was really enriching to learn about this...
It was a pleasure to attend your session on Wednesday; the tools and resources you provided us with are very much appreciated, thank you."
Brenda Sarmiento
"The main principles of good practice regarding the CLIL approach are to provide a rich content, build on prior knowledge, scaffold language and learning, elicit students' outcomes by providing plenty of opportunities, and promote collaborative learning. All these principles lead to the achievement of the goals mentioned above, and the project presented by you harbored them all...
María José Oyaneder
"..... You wanted us to know that quality education can be achieved if we as teachers motivate our students and create various interesting activities for them to learn more effectively
- During your project you taught us that students should learn in a positive atmosphere where they feel safe and where they can express their ideas openly
- I think the project was related to quality education simply because throughout the whole session we talked about the way of making our lessons better and useful..."
Iroda Radjapova
"Many thanks for your inspiring class and all the information you have sent us.
This is a very rich and extensive project that probably covers all the global goals if not most of them...."
Puri Arévalo
"Thank you very much for your workshop today! It was really interesting and inspirational!"
From my point of view, this project is related to two different global goals:
- Good health and well-being: because the project promotes self-consciousness about their body and knowledge about heart rate, for example.
- Quality education: because everything, all the activities, have got a unifying thread and a relation one to another. As I see it, this promotes meaningful learning and, therefore, a high quality education.
- Life on land: because when they're learning about the animals, their habitats and abilities, they're indirectly learning about the importance of taking care of our environment, our planet.
Thank you very much again for the class!
Marta Melich Ruiz
".... it is a project that was carried out in the field, in a real context and situation, surrounded by nature and ecosystems. Biodiversity would be the topic that has had the focus. Also, if we take a look at the curriculum, we will come across with the content that is being dealt in this project. Therefore, the project covers content + real problems (SDG) + linguistic focus which makes it a win-win activity....
Thank you for this session"
Artemi Figueras
"When we say Education, it is never solely about teaching and learning literacy and numeracy, it, without any doubt, serves to promote the development of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities that students need to acquire to succeed in life. The acquirement of these competencies supports students’ development on different levels, cognitive, social and emotional. Working towards ensuring that students acquire these competencies will bring about responsible citizens who are capable of making responsible decisions, adapting positive social norms and attitudes, building positive relationships and acquiring good management skills towards self and others.
With that being said, I believe that all of the global goals are relatable to this project."